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Multimedia and web design experience

The Missouri School of Journalism prides itself on training reporters who can not only write, but edit video and create multimedia content. Below are some of my projects, with descriptions. All three are hosted on Wix, and each has its own special purpose and facets. 

The Buzz 


This project was created for my Journalism and Chaos course in fall 2014. The objective of the project was to either create a business or a revenue maker for an existing media company. My group (Delia Cai, Lucas Minisini, Matt Zuzulo and myself) dreamed up The Buzz. It is a pop-up event series that boasts weekly speakers in New York City. Admission would be free based on coporate sponsorships with companies such as Bose, Canon and the Bowery Ballroom. 


The website itself was simply a vehicle to present our project to the class. We were also required to create a full business plan, a three-year financial plan and exectutive statement. We also had multiple conference calls with Buzzfeed managers to brainstorm our project. I am incredibly proud of this project (and would love to see The Buzz materialize some day). 


Senior Capstone project


In the Spring 2015 semester, I was enrolled in Journalism and Democracy. J&D is the senior capstone for journalism students in the print and digital news sequence. Our Big Project (capitilzation courtesy of our professors) was to create a guide of some sort for the Hoosier Press Association.


Armed with vague guideleines and maybe too much freedom, our class of 16 set out to make a digital news how-to guide for small and medium Midwest papers. I worked on both the social media team and the Wix team. We compiled guides for social media beginners, best practices for design components and a glossary of terms for looking at analytics. 


We were also given the opportunity to present our project to the Missouri Press Association and receive feedback from its Board of Directors. You can learn more about the project by clicking on the image to the left. 


Multimedia Journalism

As a semester project for Multimedia Journalism, a group of students has to break down a larger news or feature story into smaller pieces using text, still photos, audio and video.

For this assignment, I worked with two other students in my lab group, and together we chose SoCo Club as our feature. 


The project required us to shoot photos and video, edit a TV-style news package, write a text story, record and edit an audio interview and build a Wix site. 

Personally, I helped to shoot photos and B-roll. I also edited the audio interviews and took lead on building the website.  I helped conduct interviews and organize the group as a whole.

Alpha Phi Omega — Beta Eta


In the spring 2015 semester, I served as one of the communication co-chairs for the Beta Eta chapter of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity. As my project for the semester, my co-chair and I built a Wix site to coordinate our social media, events and information. 


We decided to go with a blog style for our website. Pledges and active members are encouraged to reach out to us to write posts about service projects, fellowship events and other facets of the fraternity. 


We built pages for our executive board emails, an about page and an info page about this year's philanthropy beneficiary. Also included are a calendar of upcoming events and links to helpful external sites.

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